StS Culture Updates


digraph { layout=circo ranksep=.5; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=22] edge [penwidth=6 fontsize=24 labelfloat=true decorate=false constraint=true minlin=.1] ratio= 1 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] //z [style=invis] //a [style=invis] //b [style=invis] //c [style=invis] //d [style=invis] //e [style=invis] //f [style=invis] //g [style=invis] //h [style=invis] // { rank = same;z 1} // { rank = same;b 2} // { rank = same;c 3 4} // { rank = same;d 5 } // { rank = same;e 6 7} // { rank = same;f 11} // { rank = same;g 8 9} // { rank = same;h 10} //z -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h [style=invis] //11->{3 6 8 10 9 7 4 5} 11->3 [label="11->3"][color=green1] 11->6 [label="11->6"][color=red] 11->8 [label="11->8"] [color=green1] 11->10 [label="11->10"][color=green1] 11->9 [label="11->9"][color=green1] 11->7 [label="11->7"][color=red] 11->4 [label="11->4"][color=red] 11->5 [label="11->5"][color=green1] // 1 [label="S-1\nParticipants\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] //2 [label="S-2\nPeople\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 3 [label="S-3\nStructure\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 4 [label="S-4\nRecruitment\nand Engagement\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 5 [label="S-5\nCreativity and\nDevelopment\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 6 [label="S-6\nOperations\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 7 [label="S-7\nResources and\nFinance\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 8 [label="S-8\nStrategy\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 9 [label="S-9\nMarketing and\nCommunication\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] 10 [label="S-10\nLeadership\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] 11 [label="S-11\nCulture\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] }

- Have a meeting with those interested in structure and culture (together that is the whole team) about the need for organizational structure.

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- Take care to include only folks committed to the goals and strategy.

11->10 - Develop succinct Mission, Vision, and Value statements. - Discuss the view that each core team member is a leader and has committments to the group.

- Develop StS communication media and content.

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- Develop a strategy and business model that can span the globe and not require a large staff nor a large operating budget--ever. See StS a Recursive Pattern Coop See Speculations on NES See ReLocalize Creativity

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- We have do develop products and services before this can go green.


Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals HEIGHT 400