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**I hope that the way we form this enterprise is consciously done so as to create an evolving template or pattern for participants in See the Systems to use for their own start up enterprises.**

**Test Question:** Will the way be are creating our enterprise scale globally to neighborhood level with neighborhood resources.

This site is created to collaborate explicitely with Kerry Turner on developing her nes.kerry.tries.fedwiki site which relates to her New Education System and her global See the System competition.

StS Neighborhood Roster nes.marc.tries.fed.wiki nes.kerry.tries.fed.wiki jender.vision.fed.wiki denise.tries.fed.wiki claudius.tries.fed.wiki johnv.tries.fed.wiki knowles.tries.fed.wiki Sofi Dojo Sites marc.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki kerry.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki johnv.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki claudius.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki richard.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki jen.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki denise.sofi.dojo.fed.wiki


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Roster of Marc's FedWiki Sites sofivsm.marc.tries.fed.wiki nes.kerry.tries.fed.wiki marc.tries.fed.wiki ipbsm.edu.tries.fed.wiki marc.dojo.fed.wiki enf.tries.fed.wiki 20essays.fed.wiki

StS Neighborhood Rosters nes.marc.tries.fed.wiki nes.kerry.tries.fed.wiki jender.vision.fed.wiki denise.tries.fed.wiki claudius.tries.fed.wiki johnv.tries.fed.wiki knowles.tries.fed.wiki

NES Roster nes.kerry.tries.fed.wiki iPBSM Roster noah.ipbsm.edu.tries.fed.wiki ipbsm.edu.tries.fed.wiki

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