
S11 Q8 Our culture actively supports our leaders. (11->10)

>*--(10->11) S10 Q5 Management acts as positive role models for the organization's values.*


**STATUS** - COLOR * [x] Green = Agree * [ ] Red = Disagree * [ ] Blue = Don't know

**EVIDENCE:** Kerry: - I am the only person right now. I am leading myself (LOL).

(Wed-Jul-14-21) Marc: -Everyone on the team seem to support Kerry and the mission, vision, and values. See StS Mission See StS Vision TBD See StS Values TBD


Kerry: - This will be changing fairly fast as others come on board. I will have to pay close attention.

(Wed-Jul-14-21) Marc: - Develop Mission, Vision, and Value statements. - Discuss the view that each core team member is a leader and has committments to the group.