S-11 Culture NES

S-11 CULTURE NES: Includes information about events that create or reinforce traditions, cultural changes, ideals, values, beliefs, influences **from outside the organization** like trade treaties, joint venture development agreements, outside suppliers, government regulators, standards, quality, industry or sector norms. (Ask Phillip about this. It seem more like the culture that the organization finds itself in, rather than the culture it creates internally. Is it both?)

**What Traffic Signal color indicates the overall state of activities in the Culture Sphere?** * [ ] RED = Stop * [x] YELLOW = Caution * [ ] GREEN = Go * [ ] BLUE = Unsure # Below are the links that impact this sphere:

S11 Q1 Our culture supports our procedures and organizational structure. (11->3)

S11 Q2 Our culture fosters a high quality customer contact process. (11->4)

S11 Q3 Our culture supports continuous development. (11->5)

S11 Q4 Supplier arrangements work well on a day-to-day basis. (11->6) (I am surprised that "Supplier arrangements" is equated with Culture Sphere.)

S11 Q5 The way we conduct ourselves insures adequate financial resources. (11->7)

S11 Q6 Our culture actively supports the organization's strategy. (11->8)

S11 Q7 The Organization presents a clear message about what it stands for. (11->9)

S11 Q8 Our culture actively supports our leaders. (11->10)


Kerry: Can you have a "culture" of one person. I will need to monitor this very carefully as I expand.

Where do ethics feature in SOFI?

JMP (Sat-Jun-05-21)

- The entire Sofi modeling creates the opportunity for more ethical enterprise, especially if done in the open (FedWiki) and if all stakeholders are encouraged to participate. - Review Mick's Model and imagine how Sofi Modeling helps to ensure Audit Capability, Transparency, Integrity, Ethics or Fairness. - Begin to imagine how exceptions to these ethical functions can be dealt with by "external authority". See also Prerequisites for Ethical Neighborhoods.