
digraph { layout=dot rankdir=TB overlap=false concentrate=false bgcolor=lightblue //splines="" node [style=filled shape=box color=blue4 fontcolor=white] label="Ensuring system performs ethically, as specified." Integrity [shape=hexagon] }

Ensuring system performs ethically, as specified.

Integrity of all subsystems.

Integrity of the regulator and its subsystems must be assured through features such as resistance to tampering, intrusion detection, cryptographically authenticated ethics modules, and compliance with all laws, regulations, and rules. Monitoring mechanisms must detect if an invalid ethics module is being used or if an ethical constraint is violated, and if necessary, activate a fail-safe mode, preserve evidence, and notify the manufacturer and/or the appropriate authorities.

The regulator’s first-order integrity mechanisms cannot protect the pathways on which the regulator depends to influence the system. This poses a potential vulnerability that can only be mitigated by using the awareness feedback to check for evidence of the effect of each action.