StS Participants Updates


Kerry (Mick)

# UPDATE: (Mon-Jul-12-21) Marc

digraph { layout=circo ranksep=.1; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=22] edge [penwidth=6 fontsize=24 labelfloat=true decorate=false constraint=true minlin=.1] ratio= 1.0 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] //z [style=invis] //a [style=invis] //b [style=invis] //c [style=invis] //d [style=invis] //e [style=invis] //f [style=invis] //g [style=invis] //h [style=invis] // { rank = same;z 1} // { rank = same;b 2} // { rank = same;c 3 4} // { rank = same;d 5 } // { rank = same;e 6 7} // { rank = same;f 11} // { rank = same;g 8 9} // { rank = same;h 10} //z -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h [style=invis] //1->{ 2 3 4} 1->2 [label="1->2"][color=red] 1->3 [label="1->3"][color=red] 1->4 [label="1->4"][color=red] 1 [label="S-1\nParticipants\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 2 [label="S-2\nPeople\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 3 [label="S-3\nStructure\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] 4 [label="S-4\nRecruitment\nand Engagement\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] //5 [label="S-5\nCreativity and\nDevelopment\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] /* //6 [label="S-6\nOperations\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white red //yellow //green1 //lightblue ] */ //7 [label="S-7\nResources and\nFinance\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] /* //8 [label="S-8\nStrategy\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] */ /* //9 [label="S-9\nMarketing and\nCommunication\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] /* //10 [label="S-10\nLeadership\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red //yellow green1 //lightblue ] */ //11 [label="S-11\nCulture\nNES"] [fillcolor= //white //red yellow //green1 //lightblue ] }

1->2 🔴

- Don't accept more participants than we have staff capacity and skills for.

1->3 🔴

- I think that we need to have a formal feedback mechanism from customer interaction and it should feed through Structure into Creativity and Development sphere and affect everything we do.

1->4 🔴

- This link will work when we have developed products and services.