StS Resources and Finance Updates

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- As we become clear about the actual offerings (during and after some Trials) than we will need to add resources to support recruitment and engagement of staff, facilitators, mentors, partners, and participants.

7->2 🔴

- Our organizational structure will determine the resources needed. I hope with design the enterprise as a franchize network so that we will need only a small full-time staff, some of whom (perhaps all) will been fair monetary compensation. TBD

- Organize more our meeting time for team-based innovation.

7->6 🔴

- Jen and Denise plan to take the lead on day to day operation. Only one can be the named lead.

- Who else is interested. Marc is because he is lead on Structure and Development at the moment.

- Need a team conversation about supporting our emerging culture. This function will be critical in each neighborhood enterprise that comes from our work, so let's keep them in mind.

- If our culture is not attractive to people in neighborhoods we will not succeed in our mission.

7->10 🔴

- While it is normal and necessary for Kerry to get this enterprise on its feet, and it seems that she has, she will need the rest of the team to play leadership roles to accomplish the essential functions of this enterprise. - We need to engage with the content of the Sofi model and begin to lead with Kerry.

7->9 🔴

- Kerry needs a communication team. - Who will it be? - We need to develop content, media, and methods for communication internally and externally that does not put all the responsibility on Kerry.