
If you are the survey owner, create a comprehensive list of interesting groupings of your stakeholders. It will be the comparison across these groupings that allows you to define the strength in your diversity. The missing conversations are discovered in the different experiences among stakeholders.

# Please edit this list to signify all relevant points of view related to your enterprise.

* [x] Female * [x] Male * [ ] Business owner * [ ] Resides inside community * [ ] Resides outside community * [ ] Retired * [ ] Semi-retired * [ ] Home owner * [ ] Renter * [x] Member of .... * [ ] Looking for work * [ ] Live alone * [ ] Financially secure * [ ] Financially insecure * [x] Parent with children at home * [ ] Grandmother * [ ] Grandfather * [ ] Teenage girl * [ ] Teenage boy * [x] Mother * [x] Father * [ ] 20-30 Year Old * [ ] Socially isolated (lonely) * [ ] Concerned about your safety or the safety of a family member * [x] Teacher * [x] Member of some particular community * [x] Participant (of something in particular) * [x] Affiliated with (xx) University * [x] Affiliated with (xx) Corporation * [x] Affiliated with a System Consultancy * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]


Worlds refer to groups of people who have similar experiences. No one sees or understands everything that needs to be seen and understood. The trick is to efficiently locate the missing information and understanding. Probing and comparing people’s perspectives (facts, opinions, assumptions, and ideas) provides much more complete and therefore reliable picture of situations and possibilities.

So be sure to probe as many relevant worlds as possible.

In statistics we call these “rational subgroups.”


> I would like to understand the Worlds that make sense for neighborhoods. Look at Philip and Diane's work in Miami Beach. Look at Karl's community survey information. Look at McKnight's work and ABCD's take on neighborhoods. Also look at Bellingham Neighborhood charters.

# Worlds for See the Systems


Participants (divided into University Students; Teenagers, 12 and under, Adults, Male and Female)

Universities esp MIT, Santa Fe Institute, Open University, Centre for Systems Studies, Hull, Bertalanffy Centre, Cabrera's




Corporate sponsors eg Shell, Nestle

Foundation sponsors eg Charter for Compassion, COINS, GATES)

Systems Associations: ISSS, SDS, INCOSE, SCiO, UKSS, SI Network, ASC, Metaphorum, ORS, Club of Remy, HOLOS

Systems Education Associations: CLE, Waters Center, Genwise, Diana Fisher, ST2050 network, HEY CU, Shell NXplorers, MIT/Senge Compassionate Systems programme, IB Programme/IB schools

Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme


STEM ambassadors scheme

Climate change and Enviro Education: Educcate Global, Plan-It Eco

Systems Consultancies: Visual Meaning, Malik, Vanguard, Cognitive Edge, xxxx

Systems Software suppliers: Ventana, iSee Systems, Powersim, Nicky Case, BeLearning

My network



Teacher Associations eg NUT, Headteachers Association

Teacher Training Organisations eg Osiris Education

The Elite

NB Noam Chomsky recording

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