
Mood has a dominant influence on mind and body. Mood comes in two flavors: opening and closing moods. The lower line in the graph, from fear to resignation, are common closing moods which tend to preserve the status quo or make things worse.. The ascending line from love to ambition are common opening moods which allow experimentation, learning and adaptation.

digraph { ranksep= .1; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=30] edge [penwidth=6 fontsize=30 labelfloat=true decorate=false constraint=true minlin=.1] ratio=1 //edge [style=invis] node [width=2.2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true] rank=same {9 7 1 2 3 } //rank=same {10 8 4 5 6} 1 [label="Resentment\n(past)"][fillcolor=red] 2 [label="Anxiety\n(present)"] 3 [label="Resignation\n(future)"] 4 [label="Acceptance\n(past)"] 5 [label="Curiosity\n(present)"][fillcolor=yellow] 6 [label="Ambition\n(future"][fillcolor=green1] 7 [label="Pesimism"] 8 [label="Optimism"] 9 [label="Fear"][fillcolor=pink] 10 [label="Love"][fillcolor=yellow] 1->2 [label="Amplifies"][weight=1] 2->3 [label="Amplifies"] 4->5 [label="Supports"] 5->6 [label="Supports"][weight=1] 9->7 [label="Leads to"] 7->1 [label="Leads to"] 10->8 [label="Supports"] 8->4 [label="Supports"] 1->4 [label="Shift to"][fontcolor=blue] 2->5 [label="Shift to"][fontcolor=blue] 3->6 [label="Shift to"][fontcolor=blue][weight=2] 9->10 [label="Shift to"][fontcolor=blue][weight=2] 7->8 [label="Shift to"][fontcolor=blue] }

Love and curiosity are in a life and death struggle with fear and resentment.

It may be easiest to shift from fear to love, from self interest to other interest. This shift is almost physical--turn your eyes and your body, look outward toward other people that you can care deeply for, look outward at the world that you find beautiful, that shift begins to shift all of the dynamics from the root.

The further you move to the right along the lower line the more difficult you may find it to make the shift to the upper line. I personally find Resentment to be a particular trap where stories and my body align to reinforce this mood. It has a dampening effect on my curiosity and ambition. You will discover your own relationship between these moods, your stories, and your body.

To shift mood and emotion one can enlist mind (language, narrative, stories we live in) and body (motion, activity and configuration) that enact our moods and emotions.

Moods left to themselves often amplify and fear captures attention and amplifies with more force than love.

An ongoing adventure with our mind, moodes and body beckons each of us. Always consider how any two of these aspects of ourselves can influence the third.